Code of War: The Stuxnet Story
The dark corners of cyberwarfare, 'Code of War: The Stuxnet Story.' This blog post illuminates the strategic partnership between U.S. and Israeli intelligence that led to the development of Stuxnet — a sophisticated cyberweapon targeting Iran's nuclear program.
Unlocking the Backdoor: The SolarWinds Attack
The SolarWinds cyber-espionage attack and its profound impact on global cybersecurity and trust in network management software.
The Conficker Working Group: A Case Study in Cybersecurity Collaboration
Discover the story of the Conficker Working Group, a unique alliance of tech giants, cybersecurity firms, and academic researchers. Learn how collective action made a difference in combating the Conficker worm, a resilient cyber threat.
The Conficker Worm: A Sleeping Giant
The enigmatic world of the Conficker worm, a cybersecurity threat that emerged in 2008 and remains a 'sleeping giant.' Explore its history, the global efforts to combat it, and why it's still a concern today.
The Morris Worm & the Birth of Cybersecurity
The captivating story of the Morris Worm, the first Internet worm that led to the birth of modern cybersecurity. Robert Tappan Morris's curiosity had far-reaching consequences on the digital world.
Ada Lovelace: The Enchantress of Numbers
The 19th-century visionaries who pioneered modern computing & how their extraordinary collaboration gave birth to the world's first computer program